torstai 24. elokuuta 2017

Swiss Government Scholarships for post doc research and fine art studies in Swizerland in 2018-2019

Sveitsin hallituksen apurahat post doc –tutkimukseen ja taidealan opintoihin Sveitsissä lukuvuonna 2018-2019.

Lisätiedot ja hakudokumentit liitteessä sekä oheisten linkkien takana: and (tailor made information for Finnish applicants).

Huomaattehan kuitenkin Sveitsin suurlähetystön ohjeen, jonka mukaan hakulomakkeita ei pitäisi ladata verkosta, vaan käyttää oheista liitetiedostoa tai tilata erikseen Sveitsin suurlähetystöstä.

Hakuaika päättyy 31.10.2017. Hakemukset palautetaan Sveitsin suurlähetystöön, josta saa tarvittaessa myös lisätietoja (yhteystiedot alla).

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists are offered to Finnish students in a program based on a pool system. The Swiss Pool for Western European countries and countries from the European Union comprises Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. In the framework of this pool a total of 20-30 scholarships will be granted for the academic year 2018/2019.

For Finnish students postdoctoral scholarships are offered. In addition, Finnish candidates can apply for a scholarship for advanced arts students. The art scholarships are offered in a program
based on a pool system. In the framework of this pool a total of 15-25 arts scholarships will be granted. In the framework of the arts scholarship pool also scholarship for Master’s studies are offered.

Please note that it is necessary that the applicants fill out the application forms electronically, then print the forms, attach the photographs and sign them. No handwritten forms will be accepted.

The applications (NB: this year only 2 sets!) should be returned directly to the Embassy

Embassy of Switzerland
Kalliolinnantie 16 A 2 a
00140 Helsinki

by 31 October 2017.

The contact details of the Embassy (Tel. +358 9 622 9500, e-mail: ) can be given as contact point for the applicants.

On the homepage of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI the students can find lots of information regarding the scholarships:  and  -> Country specific information for Finnish students
(Please publish these links on your webpage too.)

It’s important that the candidates read carefully the contents of the webpage, as all application requirements must be fulfilled.
Incomplete or badly prepared applications cannot be taken into consideration.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

The Ambassador of Switzerland

Päivi Laihinen
Trade and Cultural Officer

Embassy of Switzerland
Kalliolinnantie 16 A 2 a, 00140 Helsinki
Tel.      : +358 9 622 95 00
Fax      : +358 9 622 95 050

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